Gabriele Nardi

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Gabriele Nardi


"... I often find myself literally in the middle and above the clouds, meditating on existence, and I am impregnated by the sky of ideas and dreams that I give birth to once I am back on the ground, crushed by "gravity".
It’s always statues ... " (Gabriel Nardi)
Gabriele was born in Florence, Italy in 1972. He attended Art High School and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, a very prestigious school for Art sculpture that is set in an enchanting landscape with its marble quarries, full of great teachers and inspirations.
Gabriele is a sculptor by vocation and training. He has worked in his studio for years in the typical atmosphere that one breathes only in the Oltrarno neighbourhoods, the traditional home of artists and craftsmen in Florence.
His works reveal the strong sculptural tradition of the ancient Florentine schools and his deep knowledge of classical themes. His instinctive and material sculptures combine the present and history, giving a contemporary decorative taste to classical themes. Not surprisingly, more and more public entities and private individuals are commissioning his works to embellish their environments.