Eran Webber

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Eran Webber

The grandchild of a realist painter, Eran grew up on a kibbutz along the Carmel Coast.
His artistic training began in high school as well as evening courses in Tel Aviv. In 2007 He moved to Florence, Italy to study the fundamentals of classical figurative art and began sculpting at the Accademia di Belle Arte. Later that year Eran was accepted to The Florence Academy of Art (FAA) sculpture program. 

During 2010- 2013, Eran was a principal sculpting instructor at the FAA.
Today he is the co-founder and academic director of the sculpture department at "Hatahana Studio" in Tel-Aviv, Israel.
His work can be found in 'Galerie Michael' - LA,  'Frilli Gallery' - Florence, 'Contemporary by Golconda' - Tel Aviv , and in private collections throughout Europe and the U.S.