Dante Alighieri from Florence, Italy, to Ningbo, China!

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Dante Alighieri from Florence, Italy, to Ningbo, China!

National Library of Ningbo, China

The gigantic Dante Alighieri sculpture, created by artist Enrico Pazzi in marble in the year 1861, has been replicated in bronze and gifted to the city of Ningbo, China, by the Municipality of Florence, to seal the twinning of the two cities.

Frilli Gallery has cast the 17 feet tall bronze, after having 3D scanned the original marble artwork standing out on the parvise in front of the Santa Croce / Holy Cross Church in Florence.

The monumental piece was shipped to Ningbo via sea, and was inaugurated at the presence of the local Chinese authorities in February 2013.

Dante Alighieri is considered to be the father of the Italina language as it is still spoken nowadays.

The presence of this sculputre in front of the Chinese National Library of Ningbo is of great significance to the history of language and literature of humankind.