Four Seasons Hotel Florence, Park of Palazzo Scala della Gherardesca
The magical park of the Palazzo Scala della Gherardesca has been again transformed into the centerpiece of an interesting and innovative cultural experiment, by showing to guests and visitors certain apsects of large-scale contemporary figurative Italian sculpture.
It is not easy to find pieces capable of withstanding the challange of measuring up to the Reinassance park's backdrop of large open spaces, complete with splendid trees that date back centuries, while at the same time conveying to the exhibition a sense of love and beauty.
The selection of large-scale pieces placed side by side, engages in a continuous Dialogue with the nature surrounding and the whole park blends together with it in perfect harmony.
Our goal has been that of comparing different languages and different techniques, such as iron and marble, bronze and pottery and finally resins and found materials and objects, involving both young and emerging artists, as well as more experienced and affirmed ones.
We have been seeking to display talented artists who havent' been crushed beneath the weight of tradition, bur rather, who manage to reinterpret and renew these traditional aspects torugh the use of original yet formal solutions, experimenting and never ceasing to distingush themselves.
Finding a strong theme was of the upmost importance, but it is already preent in the park, it is the park itself.
In this case it was transformed into one of Mother Nature's symbols: magical splendid and blooming.
This little Paradise on Earth, may not be exactly the same as the Divine Paradise, but it is the only one we have and therefore we cannot risk ruining it, thus let us save the beauty of the world, and here lies the imperative message, that the artworks scattered in this beautiful Paradise, are urging us to listen to.
Dario Tironi's Men, whilst extraordinarily alive, have been "modelled" from the consumer waste that they inhabit and feed from.
Stefano Bombardieri's resins, with both his spine-tingling super realism and razor-edge irony, forces us to think about how we should safeguard living creatures and reminding us that animals on the brink of extinction are sacred relics that we should not consider as trophies.
Giole Suardi's large ceramics of an extraordinary compelx technical skill whihc has almost completely been abandoned, un derline the intrinsic nature of beauty, splendid yet fragile.
Ugo Riva's new piece "Happy Birthday Marcel", is an intentionally provocative and almost desecratory piece dedicated to the very artist who is thought to be the symbol of modernity: Marcel Duchamp.
It is composed by two big women ceramic figures, with the intent to reestablish the aesthetics, values and units of measurements thta our "maitre a penser" Marcel Duchamp sought to challange with good reasons back in 1917.
For the complete catalogue of the exhibition, please download the PDF from our "Documents" section of the web-site
Gioela Suardi - Margherita non calpestare i fiori - detail
Gioela Suardi - Margherita non calpestare i fiori - detail
Bombardieri - Marta e l'elefante - resin- detail
Gioela Suardi - Fishes out of water - Glazed Pottery - L. 120 cm.
Dario Tironi - A monument to mankind - Mixed-media assembly - 200 x 2320 x 200 cm.
Dario Tironi - Untitled - mix-media asembly - 52 x 190 x 43 cm.
Stefano Bombardieri - The weight of suspended time - Fibergalss - 400 x 140 x 350 cm.
Stefano Bombardieri - Marta and the Elephant - Fiberglass - !80 x 500 x 270 h. cm.
Gioela Suardi - Margherita do not tread the flowers - Glazed Pottery - H. 180 cm.
Ugo Riva - Rotture Part 1 - Ceramic - 180 x 120 x 110 cm.
Ugo Riva - Rotture Part 2 - Ceramic - 190 x 120 x 70 cm.
Ugo Riva - Rotture Part 3 - Ceramic - 50 x 110 x 110 cm.
Stefano Bombardieri - Rhino's Head - Fiberglass - 500x270x270 cm.