The Four Seasons - at the Four Seasons Hotel, Florence

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The Four Seasons - at the Four Seasons Hotel, Florence

Palazzo Scala della Gherardesca - Four Seasons Hotel, Florence

Catalogo Bjorn Okholm Skaarup

Catalogo Calyxte Campe

Catalogo Paddy Campbell

The relationship that binds the Frilli Gallery with the Four Seasons Hotel in Florence, is a partnership made of friendship and esteem that has lasted for over ten years.

The Frilli Gallery made its entrance into the wonderful Palazzo Scala della Gherardesca already in 2010, following the restoration of the ancient florentine noble residence, when it was decided that the rich courtyard already wrapped in stucco reliefs would also be adorned with the Bacchus by Michelangelo, a precious sculpture renowned in the Gallery's collection, entirely hand-carved in 1860, when electricity was a rare commodity.

The Bacchus immediately became the icon of the Hotel, photographed and admired by guests, published in magazines.

The Park of the Four Seasons, second only in size to the Boboli Gardens, is a majestic temple of nature right in the heart of Florence, which stands out for its centuries-old trees, some of which are rare specimens from remote places in the world. Inside the walls of this earthly paradise, the sculptures of the artists of the Frilli Gallery also house and blend with the lush greenery and with the small neoclassical temples that dot the park.

Since the beginning of this collaboration, strongly supported by previous director Fabrizio Cipollini, the Frilli Gallery has curated all the exhibitions of contemporary art, bringing its artists to perform in this splendid setting, unique in its kind, and bringing to life the classical tradition of decoration of noble parks typical of the Renaissance. The exhibitions have all been curated in the name of dialogue, or an exchange between the ancient and the present, a comparison between the personal vision of the artist and the exhibition context in which the works are inserted.

The exhibitions curated to date within the Park of the Four Seasons have been:

- “ Carnival of the Animals”, solo exhibition by Bjorn Okholm Skaarup in 2013

- “Dialogue” in 2014

- “Dialogue II” in 2017, both exhibitions with the supervision of Master Ugo Riva

- “Zoodiac” in 2018, solo exhibition by Bjorn Okholm Skaarup

- “Four Seasons” in 2020

- “Four Season II” in 2022

With this new exhibition, entitled "Four Seasons II", in homage to the four seasons that cyclically characterize the natural rhythm of the park, the Frilli Gallery has once again sanctioned its union with the beauty of art, the majesty of nature and the eternity of tradition.