"The Mystery of the Father. The Sign of Michelangelo"

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"The Mystery of the Father. The Sign of Michelangelo"

Palazzo delle Paure, Lecco, Italy
5.12.2023 - 3.03.2024


The replicas of the panels by Ghiberti and Brunelleschi created for the 1401 competition which saw the great Ghiberti as the winner, take part in the collection exhibited together with a precious drawing by Michelangelo Buonarroti, dated 1530 and coming from the Casa Buonarroti Foundation. The two replicas, casts on the originals, were cast by the Frilli Gallery and were already exhibited and appreciated in Bonn in 2013 on the occasion of the "Florenz!" exhibition, a tribute to the Florentine Renaissance.


The exhibition, promoted by the Cultural Association and the Madonna del Rosario Pastoral Community and supported by the Municipality of Lecco, has chosen for this fifth edition to investigate the figure of the Father as a subject who acts as a bridge between the Mystery of Christmas and Mistery of Easter.

The reflection takes inspiration from the Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22) and gives the public the vision of true masterpieces.