the Young Maenad balancing on the jar, an irresistible free and sensual dance. The new sculpture by Gabriele Nardi for the first time on exhibition at Frilli Gallery

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the Young Maenad balancing on the jar, an irresistible free and sensual dance. The new sculpture by Gabriele Nardi for the first time on exhibition at Frilli Gallery

Via Dei Fossi 26 red, 50123 Florence

With a taut modeling like his previous creations, the Artist pays homage to a vision very dear to the Florentine Renaissance Artists, the drunk Bacchus who moves hinting at an uncertain dance in a mixture of innocence and sensuality.
Michelangelo Buonarroti made this icon that survives over the centuries thanks to his beautiful Drunken Bacchus. Gabriele Nardi, Florentine sculptor with strong classical roots in the high tension and innovation of his creations, declining it to the feminine in a powerful evocative image.